Stage 1 – Your Complaint
Although We will always strive to offer You the highest level of service in accordance with the law and industry standards, We recognise that sometimes You may not be satisfied with the service We deliver for You. In the first instance, We would encourage You to discuss any problems verbally and informally with Your principle contact within the company. If this contact is the source of Your complaint, then this contact should be able to help quickly and answer any questions You may have. If this does not resolve Your concerns, then the company’s formal procedure can be invoked. The process is as follows:
Stage 2 – Our Acknowledgement
If the verbal and informal approach does not satisfactorily deal with Your concerns, We ask that You put Your complaint in writing to the Manager responsible for the office that deals with the matter about which You wish to complain. If Your complaint is about that person, please write to that person’s line manager. We advise that You keep all copies of correspondence sent to Us and notes of any conversations or telephone calls. In order that We can help resolve Your concern as quickly and efficiently as possible, We ask You to provide that following information in the letter of complaint:
Your name, address and daytime telephone number on which You can be contacted.
The name or office of the individual within the company with whom You have been dealing.
A clear description of Your complaint, giving concise details of what You believe has gone wrong and details of what You would wish to be put right. Your letter will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt.
Stage 3 – Our Investigation
You will be advised of the timescale for sending a full reply, which will be within 15 days. An internal investigation into Your complaint will be undertaken and, following completion of the same, You will be provided with a full response with details of what action We have taken or will take. It is hoped that this response will resolve the matter to Your complete satisfaction.
Stage 4 – Our Final Investigation
If Your complaint is not satisfactory resolved by stage 3 or if You still have concerns, You can request that the matter be referred to the Director. A separate review of Your complaint will be undertaken and You will be contacted within a further 15 days to inform You of the conclusions reached. This response will represent the final viewpoint of the company.
Stage 5 – The Property Ombudsman
As a matter of final resolution, if You have exhausted Our internal complaints procedure, We are regulated by The Property Ombudsman who will consider a formal complaint and give redress. Details about this scheme can be obtained below and will always be supplied to You should You have exhausted Our internal complaints procedure without satisfaction. You must refer your complaint to The Property Ombudsman within 12 months of the date of our final viewpoint letter
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
01722 333306 [email protected]